
NAB Per Unit


Jumat, 12 Juli 2024
1 Month 1 Year
0.71% 3.49%

Daily Performance Chart

Investment Switching Fee Max. 2%
Cost management Investment Manager: Max. 2% per Year
Custodian Bank: Max. 0.25% per Year
Types of Mutual Funds Fixed income
Maximum Participation Unit Rp.,-
Purchase Fee Max. 2%
Komposisi Portfolio - Min. 80% & max. 100% of Net Asset Value (NAV) in Debt Securities.
- Min. 0% & Max.20% of Net Asset Value (NAV) in equity securities traded both domestically and abroad and/or domestic money market instruments and/or deposits.
Minimum Sales Rp. 10.000
Risk Level Moderate
Types of Mutual Funds Fixed income
Selling Fee Max. 2%
Investment Period Short - Medium Term

Explanation :

The table above is a brief feature of the product. For more details, please read the prospectus or Fund Fact Sheet for BNI-AM Mutual Fund Products.

Investment Objectives:

BNI-AM Teakwood aims to get stable investment growth in the long term.





"Investing through Mutual Funds carries risks. Prospective investors must read and understand the prospectus before deciding to invest through Mutual Funds. Past performance does not reflect the future."