Dana Dompet Dhuafa

NAB Per Unit


Senin, 15 Juli 2024
1 Month 1 Year
0.58% 3.56%

Daily Performance Chart

Minimum Resale Rp 10.000,-
Bank Fee If there is
Yield Potential Moderate
Switch Fee Max. 2%
Risk Level Moderate
Denomination Rupiah (Rp)
Purchase Fee Max. 2%
Types of Mutual Funds Sharia Fixed Income
Investment Period Medium-term
Minimum Balance of Participation Unit Rp 10.000,-
Investment policy Min. 80% - Max. 98% in Fixed Income Securities, Sharia Debt Securities/Bonds, Sharia Money Market Instruments.
Min. 2% - Max. 20% in Cash and/or cash equivalents.
Resale Fee Max. 2%
Minimum Purchase Rp 10.000,-
Maximum Balance of Participation Unit Fee Rp.,-
Cost management Investment Manager: Max. 1.50% per Year
Custodian Bank: Max. 0.25% per Year

Explanation :

The table above is a brief feature of the product. For more details, please read the prospectus or Fund Fact Sheet for BNI-AM Mutual Fund Products.

Investment Objectives :

Provide a stable growth rate of investment value in the long term to investors who adhere to Islamic sharia with investment returns that are clean from elements of usury and gharar and mayyir by placing funds in Islamic bonds issued by Indonesian companies.






"Investasi melalui Reksa Dana mengandung resiko. Calon pemodal wajib membaca dan memahami prospektus sebelum memutuskan untuk berinvestasi melalui Reksa Dana. Kinerja masa lalu tidak mencerminkan masa datang."