NAB Per Unit


Jumat, 12 Juli 2024
1 Month 1 Year
8.20% 1.93%

Daily Performance Chart

Investment Switching Fee Max. 2 %
Yield Potential High
Investment Period Long-term
Types of Mutual Funds Stock Index
Purchase Fee Max. 2%
Risk Level High
Minimum Sales Rp. 10.000,-
Denomination Rupiah (Rp)
Resale Fee Max. 2 %
Portfolio Composition - Minimum 80% (eighty percent) & maximum 100% (one hundred percent) of Net Asset Value in equity Securities.
- Minimum 0% (zero percent) and maximum 20% (twenty percent) of Net Asset Value on money market instruments.
Minimum Purchase Rp. 10.000,-
Cost management Investment Manager: Max. 3% per Year
Custodian Bank: Max. 0.25% per Year

Information :

The table above is a brief feature of the product. For more details, please read the prospectus or Fund Fact Sheet for BNI-AM Mutual Fund Products.

Investment Objectives :

BNI-AM IDX GROWTH 30 INDEX aims to obtain additional investment value that is equivalent to the performance of the IDX Growth30 Index.

Custodian Bank

Sales Agent





"Investing through Mutual Funds carries risks. Prospective investors must read and understand the prospectus before deciding to invest through Mutual Funds. Past performance does not reflect the future."